
Showing posts from May, 2023

Work in progress

Here are various test experiments to explore process and media: Experiment 1 Process:  Acrylic/PVA Adhesive applied onto wood board with long paint and scattered chopsticks, drizzled another layer of PVA to solidify them onto the surface and painted with gold leaf/enamel on the tips. This was very much the whole revival and discovery of the wonderful pairings of the basic primary colours that everyone is familiar with from their school days. Abstract expressionism and energy dance together flowing into a river of chopstick fishes and tinted waters. A representation of what liberation is and feels like, a pure moment of happiness. This was inspired by the work of Kandinsky and his diagnosis of the condition 'Synesthesia' this gifted him with abilities that he couldn't fathom or comprehend and eventually evolved and translated into these fascinating and in the moment responses to complexed, intrinsically composed pieces of music. I am satisfied with the overall arrangement an


 Mannequin Concept Layered Into Wood And Natural Forms Bringing the natural and aesthetic world together. I have always been fascinated in nature and how we take it upon ourselves as humans to take great pleasure in removing it from its natural environment and essentially using these materials that are not ours to take in the first place and repurposing them as pieces of furniture/interiors. This changes them into something to be desired and an asset or object to collect and admire from the comfort of your living space. However, nature in my opinion should remain as nature as it is not something to destroy and make into something else or a necessity.  I use my creative imagination and give myself permission to play with the world through my own personal lens. I am similar to Liz West who is an artist I have followed whilst studying Art, and she is   somebody who is a huge inspiration to me and influences the work that I create. In particular the Liz West Trolley series kickstarted my f