FMP. Final Piece, thoughts...

Exploring and developing ideas/concepts around my Theme of  'Musicality and Fluidity' 

Themes of child/adult behaviors and ways of navigating life and comparing the differences between characteristics/traits.

Using wood as a solid foundation to build upon. Looking at colours and meanings behind colours and what they initially spark in us and resonate in our minds. Do we reminice or hang our heads down low?

Making connections between a feeling and the triggers causing them to be released. I had the thought of merging my ideas together in the form of wood and a series of bodies allowing their bodies and souls to dance around the campfire seeing each other encased in the flames. This is a joyous and freeing experience that we all have and will take part in at least once in our lives. Each person holds a different memory in relation to a bonfire. The flames ignite the endorphins within you which rushes to the surface like fluid river rapids. 

There is fun to be had here along with an influx of pure joy and laughter. And once the ashes are dust and the flames are out, there is only you and the silence, a body, a presence, a soul, a vessel, a being but you're not alive you're only living. 

This is my mindmap. I was exploring the parallels between what it is to be an child and how we grow, change and evolve into adults and all the differences between those two areas of life. Behavior, mannerisms and little quirks about ourselves that we don't always see or pay attention to, but they are always there. 
Thinking more about ASD/ADHD and what that means for people on the spectrum, including the positive and negative influences and daily challenges that we experience in an ever changing and evolving world that is also very straight and narrow. So people with invisible disabilities in particular are often misunderstood, rejected and cast aside to be immediately replaced with somebody typical, uncomplicated and unchallenging. 
Talking about my own lived experiences growing up and living my life in general has never been an easy walk. The challenges have remained and the hurdles are only getting higher and incredibly difficult to achieve. In the end I always manage to persevere and push forward to succeed in life, no matter what or who I have to face in the process.  
This is a quick sketch of  my Final piece idea, showing a group of people united around the campfire which is essentially the idea of togetherness and a celebration of pure joy. 
Over the course of this project I have tried and tested different colours and hues. 
Writing down further ideas around the concepts of Adulthood and Childhood. 
These are some thoughts on the presentation of my FMP. Taking inspiration from the Professional Practice talks we have participated in and listened to for the past term. When I think about the abundance of ingredients and options given to me throughout listening and learning about each professional artist this provoked many thoughts and ideas in my head that I can personally take forward and reflect on in my own professional practice. 

Here I am describing my ideas around my Final Piece, and how to incorporate sound into my installation because my aim is to make this as immersive and sensory as possible.  
This is a sketch of  the colour scheme I was thinking about at this stage. I made some samples on cardboard with acrylic paints and blocking colour into a grid layout by outlining with masking tape and once paint had dried removing so that I  got  these clean crisp lines on the surface. 

With colour being at the fore-front of my project I decided to adapt them into the three primary colours of red, yellow and blue because to me this represents the first moment of being introduced to creativity.
This idea/concept has turned out to be my final idea that i will be taking forward as my FMP and what I will describe and explain in my statement. 

These are sketches of logs/parts of a tree. Trees are a natural part of the landscape and we actually need them because they absorb carbon dioxide, which allows us to breathe clean air/oxygen into our lungs. My interest in Natural forms came from the overall structure and look of things I
observe around me and paying attention to the things that make our world unique. 

Further research into the comparisons between the natural world and the unnatural world, from a human perspective. I looked into the methods in which we use the landscape and natural materials/forms that are supposed to live and remain in their own environment but are removed and reimagined or re-invented into aesthetic objects and more functional/purposeful things for us to buy, own and possess in our homes and living spaces. 



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